Homemade Kettle Corn Popcorn

Kettle corn, the perfect sweet and salty snack.  There is absolutely nothing that can compare to getting it at a fair where they have the actual cast iron kettle that always seems to taste better.  However, you can make a decent version at home very easily in your microwave.  I probably have to make at least three or four batches of this now at home when we have our family movie nights because it’s a favorite.  That or the cheddar cheese popcorn.

Kettle Corn in the Microwave at Home

Bet you didn’t think you could make this at home did you?  I know I sure didn’t.  This has also become a favorite starter at my cooking classes.  It’s so much fun to see people’s reaction to this.  I will say like the real thing if it’s humid out this will not last long once made.  That being said we don’t typically have that problem.  So what do you need? 4 ingredients and your large round with the octagonal bon mat.  If you need the round and bon  mat you can order those here.  Don’t worry there’s plenty more to do with these than just popcorn.

How to Make Kettle Corn at Home

All kettle corn really is, is a sugar coated popcorn with salt.  I personally think you need the salt, but I do realize that is a personal preference.  With just 1/3 cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of water you will get a quick simple syrup.  Combine the sugar and water in your large round and mix or swirl it around till combined.  Then microwave for a quick minute.  Add 1/3 cup of popcorn kernels quickly swirl the syrup around to coat the popcorn, cover with octagonal and then microwave.

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Microwave time will vary.  That is honestly probably the worst part of this whole process.  Figuring out how long you need  So rule of thumb? Set the timer for a very long time that first round.  Seriously like 10 minutes or so.  The reason is because its easy to stop the cooking, but if the microwave turns off you never seem to be able to turn it back on without things burning.  Trust me I’ve tried more times than I care to admit.  So hint DON’T be like me.  When you figure out the time for your microwave write it down.  I know I never remember.

Anyway so how do you know it’s done? Stay close and listen to the pops.  With kettle corn it seems to take longer to actually start popping, but don’t worry it will.  Then once it starts listen until it slows down.  When you can count to 2 between pops before another one kicks off turn off the time.

Homemade Microwave Kettle Corn

That’s all there is really.  I love the salt so that needs to be added quickly after removing from the microwave.  Stir it around to make sure every kernel is covered, but then just let it sit for a minute.  You need that candy coating to harden up.  Now while it will appear as if you have one giant lump of popcorn just tap it with a spoon and it all breaks apart.  We love popcorn in our house.  This version very quickly became a favorite.  Now I have no intentions of replacing my fair bought kettle corn (this honestly doesn’t hold a flame to that stuff) when I can’t get to a fair this is a good replacement.  And better than any bagged version we’ve found so far.

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Homemade Kettle Corn Popcorn
Doesn't quite compare to the actual kettle corn you can get at fairs and markets with their big cast iron kettle, but when you're looking for a salty and sweet treat this version isn't too shabby. Also if I'm honest I could easily sit down and eat this whole bowl myself. So take servings with a grain of salt and adjust accordingly for your family.
Homemade kettle corn learn to cook at home with easy recipes
Course snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 3-7 minutes
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons water
  • 1/3 Cup popcorn kernels type of kernels do impact the cook time.
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt salt to taste. May want more or less
Course snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 3-7 minutes
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons water
  • 1/3 Cup popcorn kernels type of kernels do impact the cook time.
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt salt to taste. May want more or less
Homemade kettle corn learn to cook at home with easy recipes
  1. Place water and sugar in large round, Mix together and microwave for about 1 minute or until sugar is melted.
  2. Immediately add popcorn kernels and swirl into sugar mixture so kernels are coated.
  3. Place large round in microwave, cover with octagonal bon mat
  4. Microwave about 5 -7 minutes or until there is more than 2 counts between pops. May want to put extra time on when trying this the first time so that you can turn it off when needed. Once the microwave turns off you can't seem to add more time without burning things. Once you have the timing of your microwave down you're good.
  5. Dump popped corn into large mixing bowls and salt. Stir around to ensure salt is distributed.
  6. Once salt is mixed up let sit for a minute for sugar coating to harden. Once hardened, you can break apart with spoon or spatula. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Honestly the hardest part of this recipe really is the timing of the microwave because every microwave is different.  Great news is that if you do manage to burn it (I'd be surprised if you didn't at least once or twice) just throw some cold water on the melted sugar and it will pop right out.  Even better there is no burnt taste that is left behind.  Assuming this doesn't get devoured you can store it in an airtight container and it will last for a little while.  Honestly though it never lasts in our house.

Homemade Kettle Corn Popcorn

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