While the actual recipe may be part of a diet program this is by far the best tasting veggie soup I’ve found. I love how jam packed it is with veggies and all kinds of goodness. I also love that when we blended it up the kiddos loved it just as much. So it was the perfect balance after some not so great eating. Don’t be intimidated by the large list of ingredients here. It’s mostly just dice it up and throw it in the pot.
Cut up the following veggies into the bite size that you desire. Could be small or larger, but all should be about the same size. Onion, sweet pepper, yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant.
Add some olive oil to the bottom of the pan and start cooking down the veggies over medium heat. (I usually throw everything in once I’ve got it all cut up)
Grate the diakon radish, and add to the pot. If you have extra this freezes well in 1/2 cup portions for a later batch. Also add in the garlic at this point.
Once veggies are the desired softness add the following to the pot: Veggie juice, black beans, diced tomatoes and stir until well combined. I usually add a little water to the juice container to swish around and add to the pot.
Add the following: Cumin, seaweed, Himalayon sea salt, turmeric.
Zest your lime into the pot. Cut in half and then add the juice into the pot. I use a fork to get the most juice out of the lime.
Turn heat down to low, cover and let simmer for about 20 minutes.
While soup is simmering cup up your spinach and set aside.
Finely dice up the cilantro and parsley. Set aside.
Once soup has simmered and all veggies are the desired softness add in the spinach, cilantro and parsley. Allow to cook until the spinach has cooked down. 5-10 minutes should do it. It will cook down faster with a lid on.