Baked French Toast

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Baked French Toast
Course Main Dish
Caramel Sauce
Course Main Dish
Caramel Sauce
French Toast part
  1. In large mixing bowl beat eggs, milk, cream, vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar until light and fluffy. Can be done by hand or a hand mixer.
  2. Slice bread into 1" pieces and place in 9 X 13 baking dish place bread slices until dish is filled or the bread is used up. We typically alternate the rows of bread slices. Feel free to fit broken pieces wherever they fit.
  3. Pour egg mixture over bread slices. Cover and let sit overnight in the frig.
Caramel Sauce
  1. This is made the next morning (or day) right before you plan on baking the french toast. Heat oven up to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. In medium saucepan (allows the heat to be spread out more) melt butter. Once butter is mostly melted add in brown sugar and corn syrup. Stir until combined.
  3. Heat and stir constantly until mixture is bubbling and pulling away from the pot sides.
  4. Pour caramel sauce over bread making sure it's spread out.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes and enjoy.
Baked French Toast
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